Mom's Daily Tests & Meds: 2004 - 2006

Daily postings of Mom's in-home tests, administered medications, food eaten and the relationship among the three and her life.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Today's Stats:

Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1031
    Reading:  96
Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1151
    BP:  145/73
    Pulse:  65

Breakfast:  1215  & Meds
What she ate:  1 hard over egg, heavily peppered
2 slices thick cut sugar cured lean bacon
1 slice toasted oat bran bread with 1 tbl Fleischmann's margarine
1/4 tsp cinnamon on bread
8 oz orange juice diluted w/8 oz water
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
Niferex-150 [150 mg elemental iron] 1 hour before breakfast to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg with Niferex-150 helps the body metabolize iron
glipizide/10 mg 1 pill at least 1/2 hour pre-meal standard pre-breakfast and pre-dinner med
Protonix/40 mg 1 pill at least 1/2 hour pre-meal standard pre-breakfast med
Metoclopramide/5 mg 1 pill at least 1/2 hour pre-meal she was coughing a fair amount, this morning, and, when she does this, she typically swallows mucus. Considering that her blood pressure continues to indicate that she's still fighting infections (god knows which ones, now), I decided to head possible nausea off at the pass, this morning; I'm hoping I won't need to use it anymore, today
Albuterol/2.0+IPRAO/.5 nebulized during meal preparation standard breakfast, sometimes dinner med
lisinopril/2.5 mg 1/2 tab with meal her blood pressure continues to drop, but her reading today told me that she could tolerate this med and this dosage
metformin/250 mg 1/4 of 1000 mg tab with meal because her blood glucose looked so good, I decided to try cutting her back on this med, again
Mucinex/500 mg 1 pill with meal she's coughing more than usual, so I decided to boost the productiveness of her coughing with this medication
Aloe vera gel juice/80 % aloe vera gel 1 ounce sometime pre-meal decided to try this, again, in order to see if it will help keep her blood sugar under control
Daily Senior Multivitamin with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
folic acid/400 mcg with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
vitamin E/400 IU with meal standard breakfast supplement
garlic/1250 mg with meal standard breakfast supplement
1/4 cup pure cranberry juice w/12 oz water after breakfast standard after breakfast supplement

Conspicuously Absent Meds & Supplements
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
aspirin/81 mg 1 tab with breakfast Has not been receiving this, per doctor's orders, since 6/18/04; he feels that, if she is bleeding internally intermittently, the aspirin, being a blood thinner, will increase the blood flow, and this is a higher risk to take, right now, than protecting her against strokes, including mini-strokes

    She's sitting here, next to me, as I enter these stats. She likes to watch me do this at the kitchen table, in the morning. It's always news to her that her life is on the web, and she likes the idea.
    I'm pleased with her blood glucose and have decided to, once again, try pulling her off the metformin. It may be too early, but lunch will tell the tale.

Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1542
    Reading:  150
Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1731
    BP:  138/59
    Pulse:  75

Lunch:  1615  & Meds
What she ate:  sandwich w/ 4 oz tuna salad, 2 slices potato bread
3/4 cup 4% small curd cottage cheese
11.5 oz V-8 juice with 1/4 tsp. cinnamon
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
glipizide/10 mg 1 pill at least 1/2 hour pre-meal decided to use this three times, today, in combination with a reduced dose of metformin, to see if she's ready for the cut back regiment, yet
metformin/225 mg 1/4 a 1000 mg tab with meal standard lunch dose
acetaminophen/250 mg 1/2 a 500 mg tab with meal knees iffy, again

    Yes, I forgot to take Mom's blood pressure until awhile after lunch. Not a problem, really. While I was fixing lunch, we became deeply involved in a conversation about our yard, the rain and what would be easier to do, now that the fried crust of the ground is softening.
    Nothing else unusual or noteworthy.

Blood Glucose:
    Time:  2028
    Reading:  146
Blood Pressure:
    Time:  2127
    BP:  161/64
    Pulse:  62

Dinner:  2130  & Meds
What she ate:  Cobb Salad, pretty much as described in previous dinner posts, except Swiss cheese was substituted for cheddar, grated cabbage was substituted for celery and the greens had a higher content of lettuces than usual, but still contained some herbs
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
36 mg Iron Protein Succinylate 2 18 mg tabs 1 hour before meal to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg with iron supplement helps the body metabolize iron
glipizide/10 mg 1 pill at least 1/2 hour pre-meal standard pre-breakfast and dinner pre-med
metformin/225 mg 1/4 a 1000 mg tab with meal standard dinner med
lisinopril/5 mg 1 tab with meal blood pressure still running abnormally high, for her
acetaminophen/250 mg 1/2 a 500 mg tab with meal knees still iffy
aloe vera gel juice/1 oz with pre-dinner meds to increase cell sensitivity to insulin

    I guess I should probably not push the metformin cutback program, yet; it didn't appear to have good results, today and, once again, despite low activity, her blood pressure is performing above normal for her. I'll see what tomorrow's stats indicate, but I think I'll probably be doing what used to be her normal med program for awhile. I don't want to risk a high A1c reading and send her doctor's into a tailspin.


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