Mom's Daily Tests & Meds: 2004 - 2006

Daily postings of Mom's in-home tests, administered medications, food eaten and the relationship among the three and her life.

Friday, July 14, 2006

No Stat Day:

    When Mom awoke (around 1300), after she'd settled herself in the bathroom for bathing, I announced, as usual, that I was going to get "the devices of torture", the glucometer and the BP cuff.
    "Do we have to do those today?" she asked.
    Well, no. Not really. No reason to worry and wonder what her stats are. She's doing fine...sluggish with the heat and humidity, but fine.
    Thus, we had a stat-free day.
    Breakfast substituted sausage for bacon. I also tried out a new kind of bread...a dark bread embedded with lots of seeds and whole grains. She's been complaining about the bread we've been eating (I rarely bake bread in the summer and never bake it during weather such as this); Alpine Valley's Honey Wheat, which is so dense that it's sticky, and she doesn't like this. She liked the new bread. I think she may have thought it was a sweet quick bread, as I also started using Penzey's Extra Fancy Vietnamese Cassia Cinnamon which is so strong and sweet it resembles ground Red Hots.
    Lunch was normal.
    Around dinner time I announced that it was too hot to cook...did she have any ideas about what she'd like in the way of a cold dinner?
    "How about ice cream?" she said. Why not, I decided. In order to accomplish this, though, I had to put dinner off until 2230 (which was fine...she had a long nap and a late lunch) in order to be able to administer her second glipizide without lowering her BG too much.
    She retired at 0045, 7/15/06. Her light went off at 0115.     EXTRA NOTE: I noticed on the following morning (7/15/06) that last night I forgot to administer her third iron pill and her second dose of lisinopril.


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