Mom's Daily Tests & Meds: 2004 - 2006

Daily postings of Mom's in-home tests, administered medications, food eaten and the relationship among the three and her life.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Today's Stats:

Blood Glucose:
    Time:  0530
    Reading:  183 - Whoa!
Blood Pressure:
    Time:  0604
    BP:  161/88
    Pulse:  89

Breakfast:  0615  & Meds
What she ate:  1 hard over egg, heavily peppered
4 oz sugar cured ham steak
1 slice toasted oat bran bread with 1.5 tbl Fleischmann's margarine
1/4 tsp cinnamon on bread
6 oz orange juice diluted w/8 oz water
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
Niferex-150 [150 mg elemental iron] 1 hour before breakfast to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with Niferex-150 helps the body metabolize iron
100% Aloe Vera gel/1 oz just before meal helps increase the cells' sensitivity to insulin
Protonix/40 mg 1 pill at least 1/2 hour pre-meal standard pre-breakfast med
glipizide ER/10 mg 1 pill with meal standard breakfast and dinner med to increase cells' sensitivity to insulin
aspirin/81 mg 1 tab with breakfast standard breakfast med - given for anti-coagulant properties
lisinopril/1.25 mg 1/4 of 5 mg tab with meal given for kidney protection when her blood pressure can handle it
Daily Senior Multivitamin with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
folic acid/400 mcg with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
garlic/1250 mg with meal standard breakfast supplement; a natural antibiotic and anti-coagulant
vitamin E/400 IU with meal given for anti-coagulant properties; among other reasons; appears to be of benefit to type 2 diabetics, as well, in its role as a smooth muscled organ protectant, particularly the pancreas, which produces insulin

    So, although I'm changing the time on the posts to reflect September 15, 2004, I am actually inputting these stats September 16, 2004. Interesting stats, don't you think?!?
    I actually wasn't sure, until about a half hour after taking her blood glucose, why her blood sugar was so high this morning. We had a very low carb dinner. Then, as I was preparing her place at the table for breakfast while she was still in the bathroom getting dressed, I noticed that I'd doled her pills Tuesday evening but had never gotten them to her in the living room. That suddenly shifted me into a different perspective. Considering that she got no medication at all, last night, except aloe vera gel, this was actually a good reading. Had she slept in until about 0900, I'll bet it would have been in the 130s, or even lower.
    At any rate you can bet I was meticulous about pill administration the rest of the day...well, sort of. I forgot her iron at lunch, as you'll see. But, her dinner stats were great.
    I was concerned about her high BP, although it gave me the opportunity to give her lisinopril. However, as you'll see, that also straightened itself out.
    Her bowel movements are continuing every 36 hours or so. She had one yesterday morning just before we left for Mesa, and we still got out on time. Although I know she probably doesn't consciously sense it, she "works better" when she's having regular bowel movement. She's looser from the waist down. Weird how that works.

No Stat Lunch
    I considered, just before we stepped out the door on our way to Chili's, one of her favorite "fast served food" restaurants, taking her stats, then decided, "Nah. She'll be fine."
    And, she was. Without the cinnamon. She ate lightly, which surprised me. It was my choice, since, when I'm doing physical labor I don't like to eat heavy, to have a dinner salad and a bowl of their chili, which has a smoky flavor I love; very few if any tomatoes, no beans. Mom decided on the same thing. We ate, oh, probably around 1400-1430. We both finished every last drop and bite. Then, we headed back to the house, surveyed what we'd packed, I put it in the truck and we had no more space, so we stopped for the day and arrived home in Prescott at 0530. I took her stats for dinner. Nice, huh!

Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1828
    Reading:  101
Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1835
    BP:  103/59
    Pulse:  75

Dinner:  1900  & Meds
What she ate:  A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of that:
Approx 8 oz left over Mac & Cheese
Approx 8 oz left over Sauerkraut & polish sausage with caraway seeds
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
100% Aloe Vera gel/1 oz just before meal helps increase the cells' sensitivity to insulin
36 mg Iron Protein Succinylate 2 18 mg tabs with meal to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with iron supplement helps the body metabolize iron
glipizide ER/10 mg 1 pill with meal standard breakfast and dinner med to increase cells' sensitivity to insulin
vitamin E/400 IU with meal given for anti-coagulant properties
garlic/1250 mg with meal given for anti-coagulant properties
calcium-vitamin D/500-200 mg with meal believed to be an osteoporosis preventative

    No cranberry juice, today, but this last batch has been very sour and we appear to be controlling the recurrence of her UTI.
    I'd suggested an after dinner Costco oatmeal raisin cookie, but by the time dinner was over we were too full and tired to remember the cookie.
    I'm finally getting the hang of relaxing about her blood sugar, and am very pleased about this. It seems, the less I stress, the less likely her blood sugar is to bounce around. I mean, it probably doesn't work that way, but it seems like it.


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