Mom's Daily Tests & Meds: 2004 - 2006

Daily postings of Mom's in-home tests, administered medications, food eaten and the relationship among the three and her life.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Full Stat Day:

A.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1229
    Reading:  128
A.M. Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1309
    BP:  156/75
    Pulse:  58

P.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  2103
    Reading:  271
P.M. Blood Pressure:
    Time:  2100
    BP:  139/73
    Pulse:  59

2 Hours after dinner Blood Glucose:
    Time:  2342
    Reading:  225

    Awoke Mom: 1215.
    Breakfast: Wildflower Bread Company Cranberry Scone; 1 egg, hard over, heavily peppered. 1 slice HoneyBaked Ham. No O.J. 1 16 oz cup decaf coffee.
    We were both exhausted. We both laid down for a nap at 1430. We both awoke (well, she awoke and awoke me as she did) at 1830.
    Lunch: Neither of us was hungry. I gave her a 16 oz cup of detox tea.
    Dinner: Sandwich on sourdough bread: HoneyBaked Ham; defatted pepperoni; defatted hard salami; sprinkling of fresh grated Parmesan; spreading of horseradish mustard (no sugar); several stalks pickled (without sugar) asparagus spears; 1 16 oz cup decaf coffee. Because her BG was so high, I gave her two 10 mg glipizide ER one half hour before dinner, as per doctor's orders (9/23/06), when her BG shoots up. That's why I took her BG two hours after serving her dinner. Just curious.
    Very little movement today. She mentioned she was recovering from yesterday. I was recovering from the last week and didn't have the oomph to get her moving. Maybe tomorrow. Refilled her coffee cup with warm water (her preference regarding second cups) between dinner and bed time. Total liquids for day: just under two quarts.
    Retired at 2355. Lights out at 0025, 9/13/06.


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