Mom's Daily Tests & Meds: 2004 - 2006

Daily postings of Mom's in-home tests, administered medications, food eaten and the relationship among the three and her life.

Friday, August 13, 2004

I'm going to fill in stats that I missed posting...

...from 7/29/04 on. Unfortunately, I doubt whether I'll remember medications or meals. If I do, as I meditate on the stats, I'll fill those in, but the days in which Mom was mini-stroking up to our visit to the Prescott ER and beyond through to the afternoon of 8/1/04 are a blur, really. It's possible that all I really remember with any certainty is that she did not have an appetite for breakfast on 8/01/04, absolutely refused to eat anything, so, since I'd administered her morning meds when I bathed her after getting her up, I made her drink 12 ounces of orange juice so that her blood glucose wouldn't crash through the floor. That evening, as well, while we were in the emergency room in Mesa waiting for her to be seen by a doctor, as a courtesy service the hospital passed around bagged "lunches" containing a ham and cheese sandwich on white bread with a piece of green leaf lettuce, a package of Lorna Doones (the most flavorless cookies in the world, I discovered...I'd never tried them, before), an 8 oz carton of milk and an apple. Mom gobbled hers down and begged another from the server, which she was allowed.
    So, let me get myself together, here and put some stats in and see how much I remember of each day. I'll be "fudging" dates and times, although they will be true to the stats I collected.


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