Breakfast Stats Only, today...
Blood Glucose: Time: 1402 Reading: 93 |
Blood Pressure: Time: 1401 BP: 129/66 Pulse: 56 |
...and you can sort of see why. Breakfast occurred at about 1445, after a very late arising. I have begun postulating, over at The Mom & Me Journals dot Net as to why this occurred but I didn't stop it from happening. I knew I wasn't risking dehydration because she was a bit pudgy with fluid last night and I was hoping she'd lose it while she slept. As well she asked me, three separate times, to let her sleep. I finally stopped awakening her every half hour at 1300. An hour later she was up of her own accord, feeling rested.
Thus, she had only two meals today: A hefty normal breakfast which included two eggs; A hefty meal of a KFC Original Recipe thigh, about 3/4 cup of their macaroni and cheese and about 3/4 cup of their green beans. Since she didn't get her "morning" pills until about 1430, I waited until 2130, a good hour and a half after dinner, to administer her evening pills with about 8 oz orange juice.
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