Mom's Daily Tests & Meds: 2004 - 2006

Daily postings of Mom's in-home tests, administered medications, food eaten and the relationship among the three and her life.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Mini-review of Stats since 12/30/05

    Stats have been few and far between, as you've probably noticed, particularly blood pressure stats. In fact, it seems, according to my notes, I was taking her blood pressure in the mornings on those days when I took her blood glucose. The wrist cuff, though, retains only the last 20 readings, and since I'm finally catching up today, January 31, 2006, this presents a problem; the last BP recorded for war the evening of January 10, 2006.
    In my notes for January 9, 2006 I mention that the 10 mg lisinopril twice a day "doesn't seem to be affecting her blood pressure much, which remains high". Of course, I was taking it in the morning and if she is very likely to be irritated with me taking her blood pressure in the morning. Unfortunately, I can't remember what "high" translates to, systolically, but I'm sure that her diastolic was unaffected, as this occurs so rarely that I would have mentioned it.
    From this point on, if stats to not appear it's because I didn't take them, not because the cuff dropped them.


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