Mom's Daily Tests & Meds: 2004 - 2006

Daily postings of Mom's in-home tests, administered medications, food eaten and the relationship among the three and her life.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Full Stat Day:

A.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1409
    Reading:  107
A.M. Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1426
    BP:  107/59
    Pulse:  66

P.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  2129
    Reading:  148
P.M. Blood Pressure:
    Time:  2124
    BP:  129/62
    Pulse:  65

    Thinking about it, although I called yesterday, over at The Mom & Me Journals dot Net a "protracted sleep day", that seemed to apply only to the morning through mid afternoon. When I figure it out, from the time she officially awoke, she was awake a full 12 hours without a nap. She only got in two meals, but they were hefty.
    Today, she awoke before the 12 hour mark. I awoke her, but she didn't fight it, admitting, when I roused her, that, "I guess I'd better get up."
    Breakfast substituted, again, a Costco Danish for toast. I was curious to see how her BG would perform during a "normal" day which included lunch and separated breakfast and dinner by a good seven hours.
    Today did include a nap, but not a prolonged one; almost two hours, which is about average. Lunch was V-8 juice and peanuts, her usual. I forgot her second iron capsule, though, but I'm not going to worry about that. I forgot it occasionally over the last Health Review period and she still made it out of anemic range. I have vowed, though, to try to keep up with this, see if getting closer to three iron capsules every day pulls her even further out of her anemic state.
    For dinner I had planned on making the left over roast chicken into chicken curry over the left over rice, but she remembered the pot pies from yesterday and asked if we had anymore. We did, and, considering how well her BG performed yesterday, I figured, ah, what the hell. She seems to be in comfort food mode for the time being.
    Good day all around. No walkering...I, frankly, forgot it. But, we talked about it tonight as I was rubbing down her legs; talked, specifically, about how important it was. Last night, when she finally headed in for bed, her foot caught on the first of the two low steps out of the living room and she wilted to the floor. I was able to pick her up but it's been so long since I've done this that she forgot how to relax and lean into me; thus, she fought my attempts at first and I had to shout her into letting me "do the work". All of this scared me a little, so, tonight as I rubbed her legs down I initiated a discussion about how important it is for her to move a little every day, just to keep her legs strong enough to support the little movement that she practices. I didn't go into a song and dance about how, the more she moves, the more she'll want to get out, nor about preparing for visits, or anything like that. I just stressed the importance of keeping her legs working so she doesn't wilt again, or fall, or trip. She agreed.
    She retired at 0030, 6/19/06. Her light went off at 0050.


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