Mom's Daily Tests & Meds: 2004 - 2006

Daily postings of Mom's in-home tests, administered medications, food eaten and the relationship among the three and her life.

Monday, April 10, 2006

PBM No Stats Were Taken:

It was a bizarre, lazy day for my mother, a concentrated computer day for me. We payed little attention to each other. She slept a lot. I got all her pills in, including the third iron, but she didn't awaken until 1400, took a two hour nap and remained up until 2330, light going off about midnight.
    I insisted, when she awoke from her nap, that she have V-8 juice and her second iron tablet. She had something else, too. I can't remember what. She also hadn't finished her tea. I had her polish it off before dinner and she had a full cup of coffee before bed.
    For dinner I served, let's see, oh yeah, I didn't eat anything. She had bacon and eggs. I offered toast and she suggested chips, so she got them.
    Although she had only a Provisional Bowel Movement yesterday, a tiny turd ejected during bathing of which she was unaware, she was also pretty dehydrated all day long. I just didn't pay attention.
    I can't predict when she might arise Tuesday. I'm not concerned about it.
    No extra meds, although she probably could have used an adult buffered aspirin at breakfast instead of her 81 mg one.


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