Mom's Daily Tests & Meds: 2004 - 2006

Daily postings of Mom's in-home tests, administered medications, food eaten and the relationship among the three and her life.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Combined Stat Days: 8/16 - 8/19/06

8/16/06: Full
A.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1411
    Reading:  98
Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1437
    BP:  115/62
    Pulse:  64

P.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  2110
    Reading:  113
P.M. Blood Pressure:
    Time:  2107
    BP:  115/60
    Pulse:  59
8/17/06: Half
A.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1234
    Reading:  126
Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1230
    BP:  156/73
    Pulse:  64
8/18/06: Half
A.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1421
    Reading:  123
A.M. Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1447
    BP:  128/64
    Pulse:  59
8/19/06: Half
A.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1338
    Reading:  121
A.M. Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1351
    BP:  115/59
    Pulse:  60


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