Mom's Daily Tests & Meds: 2004 - 2006

Daily postings of Mom's in-home tests, administered medications, food eaten and the relationship among the three and her life.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

BM Full Stat Day:

A.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1002
    Reading:  116
A.M. Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1037
    BP:  143/68
    Pulse:  59

P.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1817
    Reading:  113
P.M. Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1821
    BP:  153/72
    Pulse:  59

    Seems like my mother's body is returning, slowly to normal, from whatever challenge it was facing. Her BG this morning surprised me, considering that her dinner last night was Just Desserts. I expected it to be somewhat higher.
    Breakfast was blessedly normal. Notice when she arose, by the way. That was her doing. Bathing and breakfast, both, were done before noon.
    No lunch, though. Although she seemed good to go this morning, she tired early. She laid down for a nap at 1300 and didn't arise until 1700. I allowed this. She was sleeping hard and I figured she need to recuperate from yesterday. When she arose she wasn't interested in food, only coffee. I noticed, too, that she slept so hard and her body recuperated so completely that she had a minor urine shed. As well, although it was cool and rainy all day, upon awakening I noticed she had sweated just before awakening. I touched her forehead. Cool as a cucumber. She may, though, have run a bit of a fever while sleeping.
    When she finally mentioned she was "beginning to get hungry" around 1800, she repeated that she was "really hungry". Since it has been that kind of day, I suggested some of that luscious bean & ham soup I made last week, and that we finish off the exotic fruit we had: kiwi fruit, pineapple, blueberries, raspberries, mango and strawberries. Perfect dinner, she agreed.
    Her Bowel Movement occurred at 2315: Very good volume; excellent consistency; very easy elimination; very easy clean-up.
    She retired at 2345. As of the time I am closing this off, 0015, 9/1/06, and she is still reading in bed. I'll report back when her light goes off. Light off at 0018.


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