BM Half Stat Day:
P.M. Blood Glucose: Time: 2130 Reading: 107 |
P.M. Blood Pressure: Time: 2128 BP: 99/50 Pulse: 61 |
I intended to take her stats this morning but somehow that got lost in the rush to get her up within an acceptable time frame. It's been a very slow, very lazy day for her; long nap, complaint of an "iffy" right knee this evening, very little energy. Good mood, though.
Lunch was just a 1 oz bag of peanuts. We spent a good 15 minutes discussing dinner about an hour before we actually had it. We went through three possibilities: Take-out pizza, left over home made corned beef hash and sauerkraut with sundried tomato/artichoke/garlic sausage. We were both leaning toward that when Mom suddenly got that sugary gleam in her eye. "Do we have any cake and ice cream left?"
Yes. We still have frozen pieces of chocolate cake and ice cream.
"Doesn't that sound good for dinner?"
It didn't to me, I'm not in a sugar mood today, but I didn't see why Mom shouldn't have it, which she did. I gave her an extra glipizide, just in case.
Although I'd thought, last night, that yet another 10 mg of furosemide might be in order it wasn't. She'd completely shed every last bit of retained fluid and continued to do so throughout the day, evidenced by her evening BP.
Her Bowel Movement occurred at 1655. She thought she was going to eliminate around 1630 but was unsuccessful. She actually asked for some Phillip's, so I gave her the standard low laxative dose, two tablespoons, and an 8 oz glass of water. Although it didn't have near enough time to work, she was back in the bathroom a little less than half an hour later: Excellent volume; fair consistency, pretty smeary; very easy elimination; fairly challenging clean-up.
She headed for bed at 2355. Her light went off at 0030, 3/28/06.
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