Mom's Daily Tests & Meds: 2004 - 2006

Daily postings of Mom's in-home tests, administered medications, food eaten and the relationship among the three and her life.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Breakfast Stats and Thanksgiving Food Report:

Blood Glucose:
    Time:  0719
    Reading:  84
Blood Pressure:
    Time:  0732
    BP:  121/64
    Pulse:  63

    Everything looks good to go...traveling, that is, for Thanksgiving. Since we're out of bacon, breakfast meat was kielbasa with her egg. I'd forgotten to thaw any bread and we had gone through our usual home made bread, so she went without bread of any kind this morning.
    No other stats were taken today. She received her "evening" medication around 1630 or so, when dinner was served. She probably needed it, as she'd been snacking all afternoon. The snacks were great for her, though: Corn chips and salsa; buffalo salami (mmmm...delicious), cheddar and hot pepper jack cheese; vegetables and ranch dip from a fresh vegetable tray; celery filled with sour cream and chives; pickles and olives. Her snacking was unintentionally monitored and kept to a decorous level mainly because she so enjoyed sitting in the backyard in two separate places throughout the afternoon that when she settled into each place she didn't want to get up for awhile. Thus, I was in charge of getting her appetizers and was so involved with conversations with people, etc., that she had to remind me when to get food for her. She was good about that, though. She didn't go hungry!     For dinner, when I stood to get her a plate she asked for "a little of everything unless you know I don't like it." There was nothing she didn't like. She had turkey (her favorite dark meat), ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole (made with french string onions, fresh green beans and mushroom soup), a deviled egg, and green olives; a little of everything. She cleaned her plate except for the mashed potatoes. It's always iffy whether or not she's going to "like" those on any particular day. Yesterday was a "Mashed Potatoes? No thank you" day, I guess.
    Everyone, I mean everyone, was so full that no one, including my mother, ever wanted dessert. We took some home but nothing has yet been mentioned about her pieces of pie.
    Considering her high morning readings recently, I was surprised that she came in at normal, since she got substantially less than 12 hours sleep the night previous to Thanksgiving. Counting down from what I remember, I think she got about nine hours. Maybe those high readings were a temporary body glitch.
    We're still out of garlic. I'll be picking some more up Saturday.


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