Mom's Daily Tests & Meds: 2004 - 2006

Daily postings of Mom's in-home tests, administered medications, food eaten and the relationship among the three and her life.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Today's Stats:

Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1246
    Reading:  116
Blood Pressure:
    No longer taken at this
    time unless necessary

Breakfast:  1340  & Meds
What she ate:  2 hard over egg, heavily peppered
4 oz slice roasted, sugar cured lean ham
1 slice toasted oat bran bread with 1.5 tbl Fleischmann's margarine
1/4 tsp cinnamon on bread
6 oz orange juice diluted w/8 oz water
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
Niferex-150 [150 mg elemental iron] 1 hour before breakfast: 1250 to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with Niferex-150 helps the body metabolize iron
100% Aloe Vera gel/1 oz just before meal helps increase the cells' sensitivity to insulin when used with glipizide
Protonix/40 mg 1 pill at least 1/2 hour pre-meal standard pre-breakfast med
glipizide ER/10 mg 1 pill with meal standard breakfast and dinner med to increase cells' sensitivity to insulin
aspirin/81 mg 1 tab with breakfast standard breakfast med - given for anti-coagulant properties
lisinopril/2.5 mg 1/2 of 5 mg tab with meal given for kidney protection when her blood pressure can handle it
Daily Senior Multivitamin with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
folic acid/400 mcg with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
garlic/1250 mg with meal standard breakfast supplement; a natural antibiotic and anti-coagulant
Levaquin/500 mg 2 hours after ingestion of iron: 1450 to address UTI
1/2 cup pure cranberry juice w/12 oz water with antibiotics standard twice a day supplement for kidney protection and enhancement of waste management

    Surely, you must have known, after yesterday's blood sugar melee, I was bound to measure it this morning. So, now I know it takes her about 24 hours to recover from pancakes and maple syrup when she has them in the morning.
    It will be interesting, then, to see how long it takes her blood sugar level to recover from pancakes and maple syrup when she has them in the evening.
    Checking this occurred to me, this "morning", when Mom finally awoke, because these were the first words out of her mouth: "Mmmmm...I was dreaming of pancakes! Mmmm! Let's have pancakes for breakfast!"
    I laughed. "That wasn't a dream, Mom, you had pancakes yesterday for breakfast, blueberry pancakes..."
    "Oh, yes! Weren't those good! No reason why we shouldn't have them two days in a row."
    Well, it's not renal suicide, but, considering what her blood sugar was last night, it's not the best idea in the world, either. is wonderful to see her zestily enjoying a meal the way she did those pancakes (although she is good at enjoying eating, now)..."I'll tell you what. How about pancakes and sausage for dinner tonight, and we can see if your body does better at working off the sugar when you're asleep."
    I know, that sounds clearly contradictory, since exercise lowers blood sugar, movement of any kind lowers blood sugar, not just over time but within hours. But, you know, her blood sugar levels even out very nicely overnight when we have Just Desserts dinner. And, what is pancakes w/maple syrup but a Just Desserts dinner. So, since she wants pancakes again, and I'm going to make them blueberry, again, this will give us a chance to see if her body handles pancakes for dinner better than pancakes for breakfast.

BM Dinner
Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1940
    Reading:  140
Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1943
    BP:  115/56
    Pulse:  62

Dinner:  2000  & Meds
What she ate:  3 5" blueberry pancakes and one 4 oz. piece sage sausage
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
100% Aloe Vera gel/1 oz just before meal helps increase the cells' sensitivity to insulin when used with glipizide
Niferex-150 (mg elemental iron) with meal to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with iron supplement helps the body metabolize iron
glipizide ER/10 mg 1 pill with meal standard breakfast and dinner med to increase cells' sensitivity to insulin
lisinopril/2.5 mg 1/2 of 5 mg tab with meal given for kidney protection when her blood pressure can handle it
vitamin E/400 IU with meal given for anti-coagulant properties
garlic/1250 mg with meal given for anti-coagulant properties
calcium-vitamin D/500-200 mg with meal believed to be an osteoporosis preventative

    My mother feels as though she's made it to high heaven: Pancakes two days in a row! Her blood sugar was up, some, this evening, but she had 8 oz of yoghurt and just before she napped, at about 1645, to soften the blow of 2 500 mg tablets of acetaminophen I gave her, and 11.5 oz V-8 juice after she napped, before she was hungry enough for dinner.
    Her Bowel Movement occurred after dinner, before our after dinner movie, about 2100: medium-low volume, although good, considering that she's practically eliminating every day; very easy elimination; very easy clean-up.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Today's Stats:

BM Non-stat Breakfast
Breakfast:  1215  & Meds
What she ate:  
4 oz lean roasted ham
3 blueberry pancakes with at least a half cup of pure maple syrup and at least 3 Tbl margarine

6 oz orange juice diluted w/8 oz water
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
Niferex-150 [150 mg elemental iron] 1 hour before breakfast: 1120 to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with Niferex-150 helps the body metabolize iron
Protonix/40 mg 1 pill at least 1/2 hour pre-meal standard pre-breakfast med
glipizide ER/10 mg 1 pill with meal standard breakfast and dinner med to increase cells' sensitivity to insulin
acetaminophen/1000 mg 2 500 mg tabs with breakfast for stiffness and achiness
lisinopril/2.5 mg 1/2 of 5 mg tab with meal given for kidney protection when her blood pressure can handle it
Daily Senior Multivitamin with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
folic acid/400 mcg with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
garlic/1250 mg with meal standard breakfast supplement; a natural antibiotic and anti-coagulant
Levaquin/500 mg 2 250 mg tablets 2 hours after iron ingestion to address UTI
1/2 cup pure cranberry juice w/12 oz water with antibiotics standard twice a day supplement for kidney protection and enhancement of waste management

    So, yeah, take a look at that amazing breakfast! The decision to have blueberry pancakes was spur of the moment. I thought about the rain, about how Mom feels cramped and crampy in the rain, about how I'd been thinking about making today a "baking day" (still haven't decided about that, yet) and came up with, "I know what will make Mom feel halfway decent: Pancakes! Better yet, blueberry pancakes (better get some antioxidants in)!
    She was overwhelmed. I've never seen her get ready for breakfast so fast. Her short term memory handled this piece of data just fine.
    Bathing included a Bowel Movement this morning at 1130. Very good volume, excellent consistency, easy execution.
    I was so surprised at how quickly Mom went from awakening to eating breakfast that I even mentioned it to her and exclaimed, "And all that even included a bowel movement, and you were still taking your first mouthful of pancakes at 1215!"
    "Pancakes perform miracles," she said.
    I guess we'll need to make miracles around here more often.

Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1930
    Reading:  226
Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1934
    BP:  127/62
    Pulse:  62

Dinner:  1945  & Meds
What she ate:  Approx 1.5 cups More than Mac & Cheese
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
100% Aloe Vera gel/1 oz just before meal helps increase the cells' sensitivity to insulin when used with glipizide
Niferx-150 1 tab with meal to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with iron supplement helps the body metabolize iron
glipizide ER/10 mg 1 pill with meal standard breakfast and dinner med to increase cells' sensitivity to insulin
lisinopril/2.5 mg 1/2 of 5 mg tab with meal given for kidney protection when her blood pressure can handle it
vitamin E/400 IU with meal given for anti-coagulant properties
garlic/1250 mg with meal given for anti-coagulant properties
calcium-vitamin D/500-200 mg with meal believed to be an osteoporosis preventative

    Well, you can see this morning's pancakes in this evening's blood sugar. She had no lunch...slept through it, again. I shudder to think what her blood sugar was earlier today! We won't be doing pancakes too often, but we'll do them more often than we have, and I'll definitely get some buckwheat flour.
    Otherwise, except for her extreme tiredness, she's done well and everything seems to be going fine.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Today's Stats:

Non-stat Breakfast
Breakfast:  11:45  & Meds
What she ate:  2 hard over egg, heavily peppered
4 oz roasted, curry glazed ham
2 slice toasted oat bran bread with 1.5 tbl Fleischmann's margarine
1/4 tsp cinnamon on bread
6 oz orange juice diluted w/8 oz water
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
Niferex-150 [150 mg elemental iron] 1 hour before breakfast: 1157 to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with Niferex-150 helps the body metabolize iron
100% Aloe Vera gel/1 oz just before meal helps increase the cells' sensitivity to insulin when used with glipizide
Protonix/40 mg 1 pill at least 1/2 hour pre-meal standard pre-breakfast med
glipizide ER/10 mg 1 pill with meal standard breakfast and dinner med to increase cells' sensitivity to insulin
aspirin/81 mg 1 tab with breakfast standard breakfast med - given for anti-coagulant properties
lisinopril/2.5 mg 1/2 of 5 mg tab with meal given for kidney protection when her blood pressure can handle it
Daily Senior Multivitamin with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
folic acid/400 mcg with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
garlic/1250 mg with meal standard breakfast supplement; a natural antibiotic and anti-coagulant
Levaquin/500 mg 2 250 mg tablets 2 hours after iron ingestion: 1315/with yoghurt standard breakfast supplement; a natural antibiotic and anti-coagulant
acetaminophen/100 mg 2 500 mg tablets with antibiotics to allay a complaint of general achiness
1/2 cup pure cranberry juice w/12 oz water with antibiotics and yoghurt standard twice a day supplement for kidney protection and enhancement of waste management

    Although she slept in, once she awoke she moved quickly (for her) seemed to feel better, certainly looked fine.
    Again, 2 eggs, and two pieces of toast, today, too, with a generous portion of the roast ham.
    She flagged early, though, was back down for a pretty long nap by 1430. Awoke around 1800. Looked good, felt good, and rested. Not hung over with sleep.

Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1805
    Reading:  115
Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1809
    BP:  114/52
    Pulse:  59

Dinner:  1830  & Meds
What she ate:  Exactly the same as breakfast, except V-8 juice (without Cinnamon) instead of orange juice.
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
100% Aloe Vera gel/1 oz just before meal helps increase the cells' sensitivity to insulin when used with glipizide
36 mg Iron Protein Succinylate 2 18 mg tabs with meal to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with iron supplement helps the body metabolize iron
glipizide ER/10 mg 1 pill with meal standard breakfast and dinner med to increase cells' sensitivity to insulin
lisinopril/2.5 mg 1/2 of 5 mg tab with meal given for kidney protection when her blood pressure can handle it
vitamin E/400 IU with meal given for anti-coagulant properties
garlic/1250 mg with meal given for anti-coagulant properties
calcium-vitamin D/500-200 mg with meal believed to be an osteoporosis preventative

    Again, only two meals today. She's spent a lot of time sleeping and had kind of a mini lunch when she had her antibiotics and acetaminophen around 1315. So, when she slept so long this afternoon, I decided, when she awoke, our next meal would be dinner, and prepared to take her stats, which look great.
    Again, she didn't stay up all that long. She was back in bed by 2015. But, she seems to be feeling well, just tired. I'd be tired, too, if I'd been having a urinary tract infection as long as she has.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Today's Stats:

BM Non-stat Breakfast
Breakfast:  1225  & Meds
What she ate:  2 hard over egg, heavily peppered
2 slices thick cut sugar cured lean bacon
2 slice toasted oat bran bread with 1.5 tbl Fleischmann's margarine (one slice of toast served at 1315 when she took her antibiotic
1/4 tsp cinnamon on bread
6 oz tangerine juice diluted w/8 oz water
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
Niferex-150 [150 mg elemental iron] 1 hour before breakfast: 1115 to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with Niferex-150 helps the body metabolize iron
100% Aloe Vera gel/1 oz just before meal helps increase the cells' sensitivity to insulin when used with glipizide
Protonix/40 mg 1 pill at least 1/2 hour pre-meal standard pre-breakfast med
glipizide ER/10 mg 1 pill with meal standard breakfast and dinner med to increase cells' sensitivity to insulin
aspirin/81 mg 1 tab with breakfast standard breakfast med - given for anti-coagulant properties
lisinopril/2.5 mg 1/2 of 5 mg tab with meal given for kidney protection when her blood pressure can handle it
Daily Senior Multivitamin with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
folic acid/400 mcg with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
garlic/1250 mg with meal standard breakfast supplement; a natural antibiotic and anti-coagulant
Augmentin/437.5 mg mg 1/2 875 mg tablet with food and 2 hours after iron standard breakfast supplement; a natural antibiotic and anti-coagulant
1/2 cup pure cranberry juice w/12 oz water with antibiotic: 1315 standard twice a day supplement for kidney protection and enhancement of waste management

    Although her appetite is hearty, I can tell she's not feeling "up to par", as she would put it. She ate well, though, looks good. I think it's the UTI.
    Her Bowel Movement was of fair volume, very good consistency and excellent elimination, occurring at 1130, while we were bathing here. This is becoming a typical time for her to eliminate, which works out well.

Non-stat Lunch
Lunch:  1615  & Meds
What she ate:  8 oz artificially sweetened, low fat raspberry yoghurt
8 unpitted variety olives in a vinegar, olive oil, dill brine
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
36 mg Iron Protein Succinylate 2 18 mg tabs with meal to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with iron supplement helps the body metabolize iron

    You'll notice I took DetrolLA off her lunch plate. In case it's fooling around with her urinary tract's ability to rid itself of infection, I decided to suspend the trial.
    Her energy level is very low today, but her appetite remains good.

Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1943
    Reading:  86
Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1945
    BP:  107/44
    Pulse:  59
    Time:  2105
    Reading:  100.4

Dinner:  2000  & Meds
What she ate:  approx 4 oz roasted ham with curry glaze
1 small yam with loads of margarine
11.5 oz V-8 juice
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
100% Aloe Vera gel/1 oz just before meal helps increase the cells' sensitivity to insulin when used with glipizide
36 mg Iron Protein Succinylate 2 18 mg tabs with meal to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with iron supplement helps the body metabolize iron
glipizide ER/10 mg 1 pill with meal standard breakfast and dinner med to increase cells' sensitivity to insulin
lisinopril/1.25 mg 1/4 of 5 mg tab with meal went down a notch because her blood pressure, while pretty much within her usual realm, is so low
vitamin E/400 IU with meal given for anti-coagulant properties
garlic/1250 mg with meal given for anti-coagulant properties
calcium-vitamin D/500-200 mg with meal believed to be an osteoporosis preventative
acetaminophen/1000 mg 2 500 mg tablets just before bed with glass of water for low grade fever and achiness/stiffness

    Her blood pressure was unusually low, considering how high it's been for awhile. I think she may be a little dehydrated. I'm trying to keep an eye on her fluids but she's spending a lot of time in bed, right now. At any rate, I cut her lisinopril back to 1.25 mg. It's been awhile since I've administered that little of a dose!
    I took her temperature. I'm not sure that she's running any more of a low grade fever than is normal for her at bedtime, but because we're still dealing with the UTI, I didn't think it would hurt to give her some acetaminophen.
    She complained, tonight, of being "more tired than usual". It's gotta be the infection. Well, one way or another, we'll get this one cleared up. She ate well, though. Really well.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Today's Stats:

Breakfast:  1300  & Meds
What she ate:  2 hard over egg, heavily peppered
2 slices thick cut sugar cured lean bacon
1 slice toasted oat bran bread with 1.5 tbl Fleischmann's margarine
1/4 tsp cinnamon on bread
6 oz orange juice diluted w/8 oz water
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
Niferex-150 [150 mg elemental iron] 1 hour before breakfast: 1200 to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with Niferex-150 helps the body metabolize iron
100% Aloe Vera gel/1 oz just before meal helps increase the cells' sensitivity to insulin when used with glipizide
Protonix/40 mg 1 pill at least 1/2 hour pre-meal standard pre-breakfast med
glipizide ER/10 mg 1 pill with meal standard breakfast and dinner med to increase cells' sensitivity to insulin
acetaminophen/1000 mg 2 500 mg tabs with breakfast asked for it because of stiffness and aching
lisinopril/2.5 mg 1/2 of 5 mg tab with meal given for kidney protection when her blood pressure can handle it
Daily Senior Multivitamin with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
folic acid/400 mcg with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
garlic/1250 mg with meal standard breakfast supplement; a natural antibiotic and anti-coagulant
metaclopramide/5 mg ½ hour before meal to prevent nausea
Augmentin/437 mg 2 hours after iron with yoghurt: 1400 for continuing UTI

    I am not a happy camper with this continuing UTI. Blood in her urine this morning. Clear as, well, blood. After I noticed it I scrubbed her toilet once again, reaching way down into the pipe. I fed her lots of fluids. Had her pee again a half hour before I was planning on giving her the Augmentin (we have 3 doses left). Just to make sure. Yes, she was bleeding. Not rectally. I checked for that. Not a lot, either. So, maybe I was right. Maybe, throughout the course of the Levaquin, at 250 mg/day, she was continuing to bleed. Maybe it wasn't my imagination. Nor left over cleaning fluids in the toilet.
    I know it seems odd that I would need time to think about this, now. But, I do. The Augmentin is giving me this time.
    Her appetite remains hearty. She, again, asked for two eggs, this morning. Ate the mid-'morning' yoghurt without a problem. And, believe me, she'll speak up when she's not hungry. Thus, I had no reason to believe that she would develop nausea except that when I started her on Augmentin, before, at about half the dose I gave her today, she had one episode of nausea on an empty stomach. So, I am extra careful with it.
    I'll probably call the FNP tomorrow with a plan, which she will probably approve, and make the appropriate calls, etc.

    That's right, no lunch stats. I was asleep. I noticed that she'd had yoghurt and bread and butter pickles out of the jar while I'd been sleeping. She didn't have much to drink. No lunch time pills.
    When I awoke at a little after 2000, I realized I'd better get hopping, so decided not to worry about stats and get us some fast food, always a treat for my mother since we rarely have it, anymore.
Dinner:  2100  & Meds
What she ate:  1 Jack In The Box Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger & 1 medium order of Natural Cut Fries with lots of ketchup
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
36 mg Iron Protein Succinylate 2 18 mg tabs with meal to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with iron supplement helps the body metabolize iron
glipizide ER/10 mg 1 pill with meal standard breakfast and dinner med to increase cells' sensitivity to insulin
lisinopril/2.5 mg 1/2 of 5 mg tab with meal given for kidney protection when her blood pressure can handle it
vitamin E/400 IU with meal given for anti-coagulant properties
garlic/1250 mg with meal given for anti-coagulant properties
calcium-vitamin D/500-200 mg with meal believed to be an osteoporosis preventative

    I'll tell you what, it's a good thing I set up pills the day ahead. I'd forgotten that they were ready to go and as I was coming back from picking up food, I thought, oh, well, I think tonight it's okay if she only has her prescription meds and iron. But they were all ready in the jar.
    It would have been interesting to see what her blood sugar was, having awakened from her nap on her own, dressed, hydrated (well, relatively speaking) and fed herself on her own. When I awoke she was watching TV and smacking her lips. She's fine, I know, for a few hours on her own. There isn't really any way she can get into trouble, here, even in the food line.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Today's Stats:

BM Non-stat Breakfast
Breakfast:  1200  & Meds
What she ate:  2 hard over egg, heavily peppered
approx 4 oz slice sugar cured lean ham
1 slice toasted oat bran bread with 1.5 tbl Fleischmann's margarine
1/4 tsp cinnamon on bread
6 oz orange juice diluted w/8 oz water
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
36 mg Iron Protein Succinylate 2 18 mg tablets one hour before breakfast to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with Niferex-150 helps the body metabolize iron
100% Aloe Vera gel/1 oz just before meal helps increase the cells' sensitivity to insulin when used with glipizide
Protonix/40 mg 1 pill at least 1/2 hour pre-meal standard pre-breakfast med
glipizide ER/10 mg 1 pill with meal standard breakfast and dinner med to increase cells' sensitivity to insulin
1000 mg acetaminophen 2 500 mg tabs with breakfast complaining of pain and stiffness in right knee
lisinopril/2.5 mg 1/2 of 5 mg tab with meal given for kidney protection when her blood pressure can handle it
Daily Senior Multivitamin with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
folic acid/400 mcg with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
garlic/1250 mg with meal standard breakfast supplement; a natural antibiotic and anti-coagulant
Levaquin/250 mg 2 hours after first iron dose: 1330 to address UTI
1/2 cup pure cranberry juice w/12 oz water with antibiotic standard twice a day supplement for kidney protection and enhancement of waste management

    Again, up on her own and food in front of her before noon! And it's "one of those [weather] days" to boot!
    You'll notice I gave her acetaminophen instead of aspirin this morning. I don't like to mix those two and she seemed to be more needy of the acetaminophen.
    I did witness her Bowel Movement this morning. As often happens, now, she eliminated about 10 minutes after settling herself onto the toilet stool for her morning bath. Considering that it was fair to good volume, easily eliminated and an easy clean-up, I'd say that she probably did, indeed, have a bowel movement on 2/5/05.
    I ran out of Niferex-150 before breakfast this morning, so I substituted her other iron and she'll get the Niferex at lunch.

Non-stat Lunch
Lunch:  1630  & Meds
What she ate:  approx 1 cup left over More then Mac & Cheese
11.5 oz V-8 juice with 1/4 tsp. cinnamon
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
36 mg Iron Protein Succinylate 2 18 mg tabs with meal to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with iron supplement helps the body metabolize iron
tolterodine tartrate ER/4 mg Once per day 4 week trial to see if it inhibits her incontinence

    Although I was home with the Niferex-150 by the time she awoke from her nap and wanted lunch, I forgot to switch. So, I think at this point, I'll just wait until tomorrow morning to catch up with the Niferex-150.

Blood Glucose:
    Time:  2012
    Reading:  141
Blood Pressure:
    Had difficulty negotiating
    her clothes to take it

Dinner:  2030  & Meds
What she ate:  approx 1.5 cups generic chili with additions over green chili/SW fire cornbread, sprinkled with grated yellow sharp cheddar.
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
Niferex-150 1 150 mg tab with meal to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with iron supplement helps the body metabolize iron
glipizide ER/10 mg 1 pill with meal standard breakfast and dinner med to increase cells' sensitivity to insulin
lisinopril/2.5 mg 1/2 of 5 mg tab with meal given for kidney protection when her blood pressure can handle it
vitamin E/400 IU with meal given for anti-coagulant properties
garlic/1250 mg with meal given for anti-coagulant properties
calcium-vitamin D/500-200 mg with meal believed to be an osteoporosis preventative

    She's been wearing her unicorn sweatshirt, today. The cuffs make it impossible to negotiate fixing her clothes to take a 'good' blood pressure without irritating her right out of her skin. So, I decided not to take her blood pressure tonight. As we both agree when I do this, "Well, you look like you're alive, so you've no doubt got a blood pressure."
    I also forgot the aloe vera gel. Oh well. Her 'high' blood sugar is a result of eating More than Mac & Cheese. But, it's still well within her limits, so I'm not going to stress about it.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Today's Stats:

Breakfast:  1125  & Meds
What she ate:  2 hard over egg, heavily peppered
2 slices thick cut sugar cured lean bacon
1 slice toasted oat bran bread with 1.5 tbl Fleischmann's margarine
1/4 tsp cinnamon on bread
6 oz orange juice diluted w/8 oz water
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
Niferex-150 [150 mg elemental iron] 1 hour before breakfast: 1025 to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with Niferex-150 helps the body metabolize iron
100% Aloe Vera gel/1 oz just before meal helps increase the cells' sensitivity to insulin when used with glipizide
Protonix/40 mg 1 pill at least 1/2 hour pre-meal standard pre-breakfast med
glipizide ER/10 mg 1 pill with meal standard breakfast and dinner med to increase cells' sensitivity to insulin
aspirin/81 mg 1 tab with breakfast standard breakfast med - given for anti-coagulant properties
lisinopril/2.5 mg 1/2 of 5 mg tab with meal given for kidney protection when her blood pressure can handle it
Daily Senior Multivitamin with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
folic acid/400 mcg with breakfast standard breakfast supplement
garlic/1250 mg with meal standard breakfast supplement; a natural antibiotic and anti-coagulant
Levaquin/500 mg 2 tablets 2 hours after iron ingestion: 1225 standard breakfast supplement; a natural antibiotic and anti-coagulant
1/2 cup pure cranberry juice w/12 oz water with antibiotics standard twice a day supplement for kidney protection and enhancement of waste management

    I joked to my mother this morning, "My goodness, you're not only going to receive the 'I Started Eating Breakfast Before Noon' award, today, you'll also qualify for the 'I Finished Breakfast Before Noon" award."
    She smirked. That cute little smirk she has that says, "Ha, ha, very funny," only more smartly than words.
    Appetite remains hearty. I'm encouraged.
    And, yes, even though I am publishing this post a bit early, she will receive her antibiotics on time.

Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1849
    Reading:  106
Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1851
    BP:  126/59
    Pulse:  59

Dinner:  1915  & Meds
What she ate:  2 hard over egg, heavily peppered
4 oz sugar cured lean ham
1 slice toasted oat bran bread with 1.5 tbl Fleischmann's margarine
11.5 oz V-8 juice with 1/4 tsp cinnamon
Med/Dose Administration Explanation
100% Aloe Vera gel/1 oz just before meal helps increase the cells' sensitivity to insulin when used with glipizide
36 mg Iron Protein Succinylate 2 18 mg tabs with meal to pull her out of what I hope is her temporarily severely anemic state
vitamin C/500 mg 1/2 1000 mg tab with iron supplement helps the body metabolize iron
glipizide ER/10 mg 1 pill with meal standard breakfast and dinner med to increase cells' sensitivity to insulin
lisinopril/2.5 mg 1/2 of 5 mg tab with meal given for kidney protection when her blood pressure can handle it
vitamin E/400 IU with meal given for anti-coagulant properties
garlic/1250 mg with meal given for anti-coagulant properties
calcium-vitamin D/500-200 mg with meal believed to be an osteoporosis preventative
tolterodine tartrate ER/4 mg Once per day 4 week trial to see if it inhibits her incontinence

    We both slept most of the afternoon, right through lunch. We awoke about the same time and Mom suggested that "it seemed as though we should be having breakfast", so that's what we did, with ham. Her favorite meal of the day.
    Nothing strange or unusual, except that it's been a very slow, two meal day for both of us.