Mom's Daily Tests & Meds: 2004 - 2006

Daily postings of Mom's in-home tests, administered medications, food eaten and the relationship among the three and her life.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

BM Full Stat Day:

A.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1413
    Reading:  114
A.M. Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1411
    BP:  121/64
    Pulse:  63

P.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  2108
    Reading:  121
P.M. Blood Pressure:
    Not taken

    Late arising but it was her second. She originally arose at noon straight up, went to the bathroom, but when I met her in their with The Instruments of Torture, ready to begin her bath, she decided to bo back to bed. I let her. Her bed was dry, I changed out her underwear.
    Although her bed was also dry when she finally awoke for the day, I insisted on a full bath just to get her circulation going.
    I served home made hamburgers for dinner. I'm not sure why I forgot to take her BP in the evening, but I did. She received an extra glipizide just before retiring. Two iron capsules, though. I forgot the lunch capsule.
    Her Bowel Movement occurred at 0100, 4/30/06: Fairly poor volume; excellent consistency; very easy elimination; very easy clean-up.
    She didn't retire until 0145. Her light went out at 0200 straight up.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Finally a Full Stat Day, Again:

A.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1255
    Reading:  162
A.M. Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1249
    BP:  140/68
    Pulse:  60

P.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  2046
    Reading:  121
P.M. Blood Pressure:
    Time:  2043
    BP:  139/75
    Pulse:  59

    Back in the saddle again.
    So, her morning BG tells me that I probably should have given her a second glipizide just before bed, as I usually do if dinner was particularly starchy or dessert was on the menu, but she settled down nicely during the day.
    Her "official" arising time was 1230, on her own. Breakfast was normal. Lunch was very light, peanuts and V-8 juice, and occurred at 1700 straight up when she awoke from a very short nap during which she claimed she didn't sleep (although often when she claims this she actually does sleep, she just isn't aware of it).
    Dinner occurred at a little after 2100: Tuna casserole made using the last of the potato au gratin boxed set-ups. I've been wanting to make tuna casserole for awhile. Mom and I have been remembering her mother's version. Anyway, her mother would a tuna-noodle casserole with crushed potato chips so I figured, why not just use a potato au gratin mix, add tuna and chopped, sauteed vegetables (onion, celery, garlic, green pepper, the usual suspects)? It worked.
    Mom's appraisal? "We'll have to have that again."
    So it's on the menu.
    Because of all the starch in the casserole I gave her a second glipizide just before she retired. Otherwise, no additions, subtractions or forgottens on her med/supplement schedule.
    She retired at 0030 4/29/06. Light went out at 0045. Good day.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Combined Non & Half Stat Days: 4/23 - 4/27/06

4/23/06: Non-stat
    Breakfast continued to include ham. Lunch was normal. Dinner was, once again, Mom's choice, chocolate cake and ice cream. She received a second glipizide when she went to bed. All three iron pills were administered.
    I can't remember why this day turned into a No Stat Day, but I do remember Mom's relief both when she awoke and at dinner.

4/24/06: BM Half-stat
A.M. Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1439
    Reading:  135
A.M. Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1508
    BP:  119/67
    Pulse:  62
Afternoon Blood Glucose:
    Not taken
Afternoon Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1736
    BP:  115/53
    Pulse:  59

    The second blood pressure was taken because I noticed a fair amount of feet swelling and I was curious about her BP, considering that she hadn't been up that long and her feet looked fine when she awoke. Even though her BP was fine, her feet continued to puff a bit more and before she went to bed I decided to give her 10 mg furosemide, even though I didn't take her evening blood pressure.
    We are finally back to bacon with breakfast. Lunch was her usual.
    I was going to make tuna casserole with lots of veggies for dinner but she asked for hamburgers. Since I hadn't put out hamburger to thaw, I headed out to Carl's Jr. to get her favorite fast food hamburger: The $6.00 Jalapeno Burger; with onion rings (and loads of ketchup). She was happy. She also got a second glipizide before bed.
    Her Bowel Movement occurred just previous to the time I took her second BP: Fair volume; excellent consistency; very easy elimination; very easy clean-up.

4/25/06: Half-stat
Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1242
    Reading:  157
Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1300
    BP:  122/61
    Pulse:  63

    Breakfast was normal. Lunch was normal. Dinner: Once again I'd planned something else, this time Mac & Cheese with all those good veggies in it, and she opted for ham & eggs. I think this happened because I decided, about an hour before dinner, that it was time to freeze what was left of the ham; she wasn't ready to be done with it and asked that I hack off "some for dinner tonight, several slices, I want two eggs with it." So, that's what I did.
    No extra pills tonight. She did receive all three iron pills.

4/26/06: BM Half-stat
Blood Glucose:
    Time:  1443
    Reading:  139
Blood Pressure:
    Time:  1442
    BP:  129/64
    Pulse:  64

    The timing of her stats is deceptive, today. She headed into the bathroom at 1330, at the same time that I received a business phone call I had to take. The call took about 15 minutes. All the while I was checking in with her, signalling for her to stay seated, that the call was "almost over". By the time I finished she was very impatient, so we began her bath immediately and I didn't remember to take her stats until just before I served her breakfast. She tried to talk me out of stats altogether but, you know, considering that we're sort of blowing off evening stats, lately, I figured I'd better get the "morning" ones in.
    Today was only a two meal day. It was one of those days that she just wasn't interested in any lunch when she awoke from her nap, which is okay, except that I, thus, forgot to administer her second iron capsule. She's getting plenty of iron, though, so I'm not worried.
    Dinner was my Mac & Cheese "mixture" (Mom's description), with lots of extra ground meat; chopped celery, onion, green pepper, garlic and sun dried tomatoes.
    Her Bowel Movement occurred just before we began her bath, at some minutes before 1400: Fairly good volume; good consistency; very easy elimination; fairly easy clean-up.
    She retired at 0115, 4/27/06. Her light went off at 0130.

4/27/06: BM
    Breakfast included polish sausage instead of bacon.
    Lunch was V-8 juice, only, but preceded an early dinner of Mac & Cheese from last night.
    No extra meds or supplements. No forgotten meds or supplements.
    Her Bowel Movement occurred at 2335: Excellent volume; good consistency, slightly smeary; very easy elimination; somewhat challenging clean-up.
    As of the time I'm writing this, at 0005, 4/28/06, she is up. I don't expect her to go to bed for awhile, since her morning began at about 1300.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Review for 4/21 - 4/25:

    As you'll notice, her awakening times have been all over the map. Her bedtimes, though, have been pretty steady. Tonight is the first night that she's gone to bed just before midnight. Only one night feature staying up until 0400 the next morning, but her earliest bedtime since 4/21 has been 0200.
    Although her mornings seem to be slowly slipping back into a fair amount of normalcy (one morning, the No Stat Day, she was up on her own just before 1000 and didn't take a nap until 1600, which is amazing).
    Overall, her energy has been good, for her. Not that she's deigned to go out, although I've tried to get her out a couple of times when I was doing some yard work and going on errands. But, we've been doing a lot of reading out loud, watching movies, talking, oh, yeah, that reminds me, we had a very interesting conversation about the dynamics of her dementia which I'll try to get around to summarizing within the next day or so. So, despite her odd hours, her "sleep numbers" per day haven't reached 14. One day the total, including her nap, was 12. Let me think, which day was that? Oh, yeah, it was the No Stat Day, 4/23.